Best time to move from a Cot to a Big Bed

When is the ideal time to move your little one from their cot to a BIG BED? In my experience around 3 years is the perfect time as they are more emotionally ready and can understand consequences. There’s no hurry, though. There are even one or two advantages to leaving your child in a cot…

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An Overtired Baby: The Signs and Signals

An Overtired Baby: The Signs and Signals

THAT Word: Overtired!! Overtired. If you’re a parent, it’s no doubt a word you’ve come to fear! An overtired baby is one who is too tired to sleep, and who will fuss and cry. And then, when sleep finally does come, an overtired baby will likely wake too soon, and have a hard time falling…

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Why is Sleep for Babies So Important?

Why is Sleep for Babies So Important?

How many times a day do you utter the word ‘SLEEP’? The answer is guaranteed to be multiple times. Sleep is a biological need, not a luxury!! In the womb, babies spend about 95% of their time asleep. As soon as they make their entrance into the world, they’ll still spend the majority of their…

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